Holistic and Massage
Alternative medicine is the original medicine
Holistic Therapy or Alternative Medicine Therapy are self-healing treatments which people from around the world have practiced for thousands of years. They are used to treat common ailments within the body and mind. The following treatments teach you how to be in total tune with your body and how to lead a less stressful life.
Aromatherapy and Massage
Using Aromatherapy oils mixed or premixed to suit the individuals needs both physically and emotionally and a variety of different massage techniques including Swedish , deep tissue, and lymph drainage massage. Massage promotes total relaxation and well being.
Full Body Massage -1 hour 30 mins - £50
Full Body Massage -1 hour - £40
Back , neck shoulders and scalp - 45 mins - £34
Scalp & Decollate -30 mins - £29
Back , Neck and shoulders - 30 mins - £29
Indian Head Massage
Used in Asia for over 5000 years created especially for the head , scalp , face , neck, shoulders and upper back. Takes into account your mind , body and spirit. Great for those with sinus problems, hay fever, colds, headaches and neck and shoulder pain caused by stress.
30 mins - £32
Reflexology otherwise known as zone Therapy is an alternative medicine involving application of pressure to the soles of the feet. Works on the body both emotionally and physically to promote a healing and balancing process to common ailments within the body and mind.
Initial Treatment - £34
Course of 5 (buy 4 get 1 free) - £136
Course of 10 (buy 9 get one free) - £306
(Courses must be paid upfront)
Hopi Ear Candles
An Ancient American Indian Therapy.
Hopi Ear candles made from cotton and flax are burnt down in both ears inducing a warm and pleasant feeling. This treatment balances pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses
Is great for those suffering with headaches, earache sinus problems and general stress.
Hopi ear candle treatment including scalp sinus and facial drainage massage
30 mins - £30
Hot Rock Stone Therapy
Adding a new dimension to the experience of massage working hand in hand with existing massage techniques and introducing therapeutic stones made from molten volcanic rock.
Hot Rock Stone Therapy goes beyond the realms of traditional massage by transmitting and neutralising energy, dissolving stress and balancing the body to create a deeper massage and a feeling of total well being.
Full body massage with hot stones 1 hour 30 mins - £59
Full body massage with hot stones 1 hour - £50
Back Neck and shoulder - 30 mins - £34
Back , Neck , Shoulder and scalp - 45 mins / £44
Deep Tissue Massage and Bamboo massage
If you like lots of pressure in your massages then this is for you
Both deep tissue and bamboo massage work deeper into the muscle tissue a new way to relax tight muscles using therapists forearms or a bamboo cane rolled over the muscles to relieve stubborn muscle pain and release tensions through intensive and deep kneading techniques
Bamboo Full Body Massage - 1 hour - £49
Bamboo back and back of legs- 30 mins - £34
Bamboo Back massage - 20 mins - £24
Deep Tissue Full Body Massage - 1 hour £49
Deep tissue back & back of legs -30 mins £34
Deep tissue Back massage -20 Mins - £24
Reiki uses a hands on technique during which good Energy from the atmosphere around us or “universal energy”is transferred through the Therapist as a channel and into the client through the palms of the hands.
Reiki can be uplifting and Relaxing, alleviates health conditions, promotes and sustains wellbeing and balances the body and mind as a whole.
Reiki helps with anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Fatigue,Stress, Headaches Migraines , Insomnia and many more ailments both physically and emotionally
Full Body Reiki Healing - 1 1hour - £40.00
Chakra Balancing Reiki - 30 mins - £24.00
Lava shell massagE
This revolutionary new treatment uses tiger clam shells from the South Pacific Ocean along with their special ingredients (including dried sea kelp , Dead Sea salt , algae and essential oils ) to Deliver heat to tired and aching muscles.
It’s deeply comforting and relaxing and boosts the circulation of blood and lymph.
45 mins - £44
1hour - £50
1 hour 30 mins - £60